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Daddy N Mamadaddy’s a programmer, mama’s a designer, both are in love
with jesus and head-over-heels for our kiddos. we team up to glorify God through varied creative projects. we’re blessed to be servants of our King and the clients He sends our way!

in the beginning, design pfile 1.0, we enjoyed working
on creative projects together…logos, websites, brochures, wedding invites, baby announcements and various other
visual communication materials. back in 2009, when our firstborn was a wee-little 4-month old, God spoke: i WILL
make you fishers of men.

hmmm. ok, Lord. awesome? but what’s that mean? in the stillness, He faithfully answered. you are both designed by MY hands, to do MY work. time for you to press into ME first, then your family & friends. Choose to follow Me. live in my love and let my goodness shine through the gifts I grace your pfamily with.

He blessed us with each other, then added three sweet children into the mix. what came next was a surprise, though. babies four, five, six and seven went Home to the Kingdom before we held, kissed & rocked them here. as hard as it was to walk through those losses, we’ve both grown closer to the one who holds ALL 8 of our kids in his Light.

through the journey, he’s prompting us to talk…tell folks how we’ve gained SO much through the letting go and saying “until we meet again in the pforever Kingdom!”  so although we design a few client projects here and there, design pfile 2.0 is really about discipleship. it’s about loving on our family & friends, prioritizing through the lens of pfaith. and cherishing the gift known as the present.

please visit our site and get to know our story…perhaps it will bless yours!

4 Responses to “propfile”

  1. Debbie Roberts says:

    Can’t wait to experience your story!

    • admin

      The Real Person!

      Author admin acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.


      Thank you for your prayers and love!

  2. Judy Koerner says:

    Your writing is AMAZING!! What a beautiful testimony of faith, hope, and love. I believe God has called you to be a wife, mother, and definitely a writer!! You have a supportive husband, three adorable girls, and most importantly, your faith in God. Thank you for sharing with me.

    • admin

      The Real Person!

      Author admin acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.


      Bless you, sweet Judy! I appreciate your encouragement!