goodness gracious. those glazed chicken skewers sure were delish! thank you, emeals. unfortunately for me, they left a wee bit of a mess behind. caramelized brown sugar and butter like to seep between the layers of foil, and down the holes in the pizza pan. those yummy skewers baked for 14 minutes before i realized what a bad choice that pan
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“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9 This verse came to mind when studying the retreat identity God revealed through His most awesome Holy Spirit. I kept praying about our retreat theme, “Water: What a Difference a Day Makes”…H2O….maybe the “H” could define
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i have the best brother in the world. no, seriously, i do. he’s always been that way. intelligent, humorous, generous, patient, quirky, helpful. did i mention he’s generous? last time we were together, i mentioned this new site: specifically, installing it in a subdirectory. only after i started adding to the site did it occur to me: this should be
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after yoga this morning, destiny observed that His mercies are new every morning, and reminded us that God blesses us all with a unique path in ministry. regardless of how we define ourselves, God chooses very specific ways in which He uses us. there tends to be overlap, and it probably looks like a grand waltz to our Heavenly Daddy.
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